LipoZentrum Salzburg:Specialists for lipedema treatment

At LipoZentrum Dr. Heck we offer specialized, effective lipedema treatments based on years of experience and the latest technology.




Years of experience


Operations per year

Special center for lipedema treatment and research

Logo des LipoZentrums Dr. Heck in Salzburg

Das Lipödem - LipoZentrum Dr. Heck in Salzburg


Lipedema is a common disease that affects around one in ten women. However, the painful increase in fatty tissue is often not recognized or correctly diagnosed.

Unser Lipozentrum - LipoZentrum Dr. Heck in Salzburg

Our LipoCenter

At the LipoZentrum Dr. Heck, only lipedema patients are treated according to a standardized treatment protocol that has been developed over many years. This means we can guarantee consistently high quality treatment results.

Wissenschaft - LipoZentrum Dr. Heck in Salzburg


The LipoZentrum Dr. Heck is committed to intensive research into lipedema.

Kontakt - LipoZentrum Dr. Heck in Salzburg


We are here for you. Please call us (Tel.: 43 720 81 57 99) or fill out our contact form.

Ursachen und Symptome des Lipödems - LipoZentrum Dr. Heck in Salzburg

Causes and symptoms of lipedema

With lipedema, those affected suffer from a feeling of pressure that can even cause great pain and have a strong tendency to bruise. However, the mechanism by which the fat distribution disorder develops is still largely unknown. A genetic predisposition is considered likely because it often occurs in families. Often, even excessive exercise and strict dietary measures have little or no effect on the painful disease.

The causes
Stadien und Typen des Lipödems - LipoZentrum Dr. Heck in Salzburg

Stages and types of lipedema

Lipedema is medically divided into three stages and four types. However, this division says nothing about the pain and symptoms. For example, lipedema in stage I can already be very painful and restrictive for the affected patient. It is therefore important to us to get to know you and your medical history in a detailed consultation in order to adapt our therapy standard to your individual needs if necessary.

To the stadiums
Operative Therapie des Lipödems - LipoZentrum Dr. Heck in Salzburg

Surgical treatment of lipedema

The LipoZentrum Dr. Heck uses water jet assisted liposuction (WAL). In this lymph and tissue-sparing procedure, the fat cells are separated from their surroundings using a pulsating, fan-shaped water jet and sucked out in the same step. Around 2500 operations are carried out using this technique every year at all locations.

About the therapies

Dr. Falk-Christian Heck, founder of the LipoZentrum

Dr. Falk-Christian Heck, Facharzt für Allgemeinchirurgie, Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie, Gründer der LipoClinic Dr. Heck

Almost twenty years ago, Dr. Falk-Christian Heck was approached by a colleague about lipedema, a disease that was almost unknown at the time. The women affected were met with neither acceptance nor understanding by doctors. To this day, lipedema is often misinterpreted by laypeople as being overweight and obesity (adiposity) as a result of excessive eating. And even our specialist colleagues often fail to diagnose the disease correctly!

As an experienced surgeon, Dr. Heck then developed a completely new and sustainably effective surgical method: radical and circular lipodecompression.

    Permanently stop the progression of the diseaseBecome pain-freeNot having to wear any or only light compression garmentsRestore satisfaction with the body, lightness and quality of life

These are our goals at LipoZentrum Dr. Heck GmbH!

Unterschrift Dr. Heck, Lipozentrum Salzburg

Our videos on lipedema, compression and much more.

this is us

Learn more about the LipoZentrum Salzburg and our philosophy


What does pain feel like with lipedema?


Which doctor can actually diagnose lipedema?


Why is MLD so important in diagnosing lipedema?

Compression Part 1

Flat-knitted compression for lipedema? Part 1

Compression Part 2

Flat-knitted compression for lipedema? Part 2

Flat knit or circular knit

Flat knit or circular knit for lipedema?


Lipedema & Pregnancy


Lipedema & Sports

To the YouTube channel
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