Lipedema therapy: Modern treatment methods

Individual treatment approaches for a lipedema-free life

With years of experience in lipedema surgery, the LipoZentrum Dr. Heck is a world leader in the fight against lipedema. We know what a long and arduous path of suffering you have already been through. A path paved with incomprehension and ignorance on the part of those around you. Years of self-doubt and self-castigation in which those affected often feel alone and misunderstood.

With our experience, we would like to help you embark on a new life without lipedema!


The treatment of lipedema begins with so-called conservative decongestion therapy, which means flat knit compression and manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). However, conservative decongestion therapy is not sufficient as a sole form of therapy and cannot permanently stop or even cure lipedema. You should still try to normalize your weight through exercise and diet, as this is an essential factor in supporting the surgical treatment of lipedema. Flat knit compression and lymphatic drainage serve to reduce fluid retention, but they do not reduce the pathological proliferation of lipedema fatty tissue.


Our experience has shown that radical and large-volume liposuction is the only reliable and sustainable treatment for lipedema. With a competently performed operation, excellent results and very few complications can be expected and patients are pain-free after just a few weeks.

More than 2,500 lipo decompressions are performed each year according to the standards developed by Dr. Falk-Christian Heck, making the LipoZentrum Dr. Heck the world leader in lipedema surgery.


Water jet assisted liposuction (WAL technique)

Two different surgical techniques are generally used in lipedema surgery: water jet assisted liposuction (WAL) or tumescent local anesthesia (TLA). At the LipoZentrum Dr. Heck we prefer the WAL technique because it is very comfortable and offers increased safety for patients during the operation. Water jet assisted liposuction has been used since 2006 and has proven to be a convincing therapy method in lipedema surgery.

The fat cells are separated from the tissue using a thin water jet and suctioned out in the same operation. Unlike with the full filling of the tissue (TLA technique), the WAL technique uses much less rinsing solution and the arms and legs retain their natural shape even during the operation. This makes it easier for the surgeon to assess the optimal shape and better define the affected body parts. The fat tissue is suctioned out precisely and the desired contour is achieved. In addition, the WAL technique does not require any filling time for the tissue or any exposure time, which means that the operation is quicker.

During liposuction, a tumescence solution is first injected into the affected parts of the body, which anaesthetizes locally, constricts the vessels and swells the tissue. The suction of the diseased fatty tissue can then begin. This means that the actual operation time is significantly shorter than with the TLA technique. In addition, the patient's circulatory system is not additionally burdened with a high concentration of rinsing solution and the medication it contains. This also reduces the risk of medication-related side effects on the cardiovascular system. Compared to other liposuction methods, the WAL technique is particularly gentle on the tissue and the risk of damaging vessels or nerves is very low. There is no proven damage to the lymphatic vessels to date.


Studies have shown a reduction in lipedema pain after liposuction using the WAL procedure. In addition, a shorter recovery time and a reduced tendency to swelling were found with the WAL procedure. Most of our patients are pain-free within the first few days. In most cases, no long-term conservative treatment with compression pants or lymphatic drainage is necessary after liposuction. However, if a patient suffers from lipo-lymphedema, compression stockings must still be worn permanently after the operation. However, liposuction using the WAL procedure still provides relief because the lipedema is stopped, the lipedema pain disappears and a more beautiful contour of the affected limbs is ensured.

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