Science & Research:Basics of our lipedema therapy

Progress through research: Our commitment at the LipoZentrum

The LipoClinic is committed to intensive research into lipedema. It is particularly important to us that the environment and psychological conditions are also taken into account in the therapy.

Grafik über die Aufnahme des Lipödems in die WHO-Klassifikation

WHO and lipedema disease

The World Health Organization (WHO) has included lipedema as a disease in its international classification; it is listed in the currently valid ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) from E88.20 (lipedema stage I) to E88.28 (other or unspecified lipedema).

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Dr. Heck's Operationstechnik für Lipödem

Treatment standards

Dr. Heck's lipedema surgery

The publication of the surgical technique developed by Dr. Heck and the development of a therapy protocol, the so-called Heck Protocol. The shortened protocol and text as well as a short summary of our surgical standards can be found here.

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Grafik über Kreislaufreaktionen nach Wasserstrahlassistierter Liposuktion bei Lipödem

Circulatory reactions after water jet assisted liposuction for lipedema

In the period from January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2018, 1000 operations were re-examined with regard to the postoperative circulatory reaction. Patients in lipedema stages I-III were treated. Lipo-decompression was carried out according to a standardized surgical protocol and the evaluation was based on an analogue scale.

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