This page offers you comprehensive information on the subject of lipedema so that you are well informed. Our goal is for you to become an expert on your illness and to be well prepared for the operation. We are committed to raising awareness and education about lipedema and as a sufferer you can actively help.
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Lipedema is an extremely stressful disease that results from a pathological fat distribution disorder and causes pressure pain and feelings of tension in those affected. Unfortunately, it mainly affects women, who may have to suffer from the symptoms for years. Lipedema is divided into three different stages and four different types in order to be able to treat it adequately.
The causes of lipedema are complex and have not yet been fully researched. However, doctors and researchers currently assume that in around 85% of all cases it is triggered by hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty or pregnancy. The female hormone estrogen plays a major role here, as it causes the fat cells to multiply and enlarge. Hereditary predisposition also plays a role, which is another possible cause.
The occurrence of lipedema is extremely unfortunate, as it is a disease that only occurs in certain parts of the body. Scientific evidence has so far only been provided for the legs and arms, while it has not yet been proven in other parts. The thighs of patients are particularly affected, which are the most severely affected in 97% of cases. However, lipedema can also occur on the buttocks and hips, which makes the disease even more stressful. It has also been shown that in 31% of cases, typical signs of lipedema can also be observed on the arms of patients. This disease is extremely stressful and can lead to considerable physical and mental discomfort for those affected. However, our experienced surgeons have specialized in the treatment of lipedema and are able to recognize the predisposition to lipedema even in a symptom-free state, which will also develop into a finding that requires surgery later on. In this way, we can intervene early and offer our patients a successful and sustainable therapy that helps them improve their quality of life.
Diagnosing lipedema is an enormous challenge for many affected women, as the symptoms are often difficult to classify due to their occurrence and similarity to other diseases. Diseases such as restless legs syndrome, polyneuropathy and chronic venous insufficiency show similar symptoms to lipedema. These include pain and feelings of tension in the legs as well as discomfort in the arms and legs. Exhaustion and fatigue can also occur with all of the diseases mentioned, which makes diagnosis even more difficult.
To further differentiate the severity of lipedema, there are four different types:
In order to treat lipedema sustainably, liposuction is performed as part of a lipedema operation. If the operation is carried out competently and consistently, excellent results with very few complications can be expected.
To give you and your family an insight into how the day of the operation at the LipoZentrum Dr. Heck can go for you, we have outlined an example of a daily schedule below: (Please note that your personal stay may of course differ slightly from the above.)
The relationship between ketogenic diet and lipedema is often discussed. But why is that?